Rick Simpson doesn’t sell this oil, but he does provide instructions that are free for anyone to view on his personal website. It’s important to note, however, that some of the steps to making RSO (like dropping isopropyl into a rice cooker) can be very dangerous for people at home, which is why companies like ours produce our own versions of Rick Simpson Oil in safe, controlled environments.

Rick Simpson Oil is traditionally made by dissolving pure,high-CBD indica strains using a solvent like 99% isopropyl alcohol. The whole flower is dissolved into a solvent that gets strained, then heated at a low temperature in a rice cooker. What remains is the thick oil we call RSO.

How do you Administer RSO?

There are a few common ways of administering RSO. RSO can be applied topically(on top of the skin) to alleviate discomfort in joints and other parts of your body. Rick Simpson applied his oil to himself topically, adding some drops to a bandage and wrapping it around the areas he felt needed support. We recommend adding a few drops directly into your mouth or adding it to foods or beverages.

Who the Heck is Rick Simpson?

Rick Simpson is a lifelong cannabis activist from Canada. He began using cannabis products in the 90s after a work-related injury and continues to use cannabis to manage his symptoms to this day. In the early 2000s, he accidentally created his namesake Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) after noticing some oil buildup while he was cleaning his vaporizer. Rick claims that when he applied the oil to his skin, the bumps and other physical signs of his skin cancer disappeared.

Things about RSO

  • Uses whole plant (enables entourage effect)
  • Usually made using indica (high THC) plant – Rick Simpson himself says you shouldn’t use a strain that is more than 10% THC. RSO is very strong and concentrated.
  • Rick Simpson provides instructions on how to make the oil himself but he doesn’t sell it, and the process of making it can be dangerous—thats where Cannabreeze steps in.
  • How do you use it? You can apply it topically to areas where you are experiencing discomfort, you can ingest it either sublingually or add it to food or beverages. You can also add small amounts to flower before rolling and smoke it.