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CBD & Veteran Mental Health

Jeff Boogaard U.S. Navy Veteran Treatments of physical injuries for combat veterans sustained during their service period are varied, and advanced treatments and technologies to support an active lifestyle have become more and more available.  The emotional wounds...

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Dispelling The Myths of CBD

Jeff Boogaard U.S. Navy Veteran In recent years, the hype surrounding CBD (cannabidiol) and its array of products has been nothing short of a cultural phenomenon. From wellness enthusiasts to mainstream consumers, CBD seemed to be the answer to a myriad of health and...

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CBD, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Dementia

Jeff Boogaard U.S. Navy Veteran Alzheimer’s Disease is a poorly understood neurodegenerative disease that makes up 60-70% of dementia cases that silently begins and progressively worsens, with no real treatment. As the disease progresses, symptoms can include loss of...

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CBD Products for Veterans

Welcome to Cannabreeze, a U.S. Navy Veteran-owned, Virginia grown hemp farm and company where we embark on a journey to explore the remarkable potential of CBD for our veterans. In an era where natural alternatives to conventional medicine are gaining momentum, CBD...

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